Source code for wub.bam.stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import six
from six.moves import reduce
import sys
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import tqdm
import numpy as np

from wub.bam import common as bam_common
from wub.util import seq as seq_util

def _frag_dict_to_array(fd, chrom_lengths):
    """ Convert fragment coverage dictionary into a numpy array. """
    res = {}
    for ref, frags in six.iteritems(fd):
        cov = np.zeros((chrom_lengths[ref],), dtype=int)
        for pos, count in six.iteritems(frags):
            cov[pos] = count
        res[ref] = cov
    return res

[docs]def frag_coverage(bam, chrom_lengths, region=None, min_aqual=0, ref_cov=True, verbose=True): """ Calculate fragment coverage vectors on the forward and reverse strands. :param bam: Input bam file. :param chrom_lengths: Dictionary of chromosome names and lengths. :param region: Restrict parsing to the specified region. :param min_aqual: Minimum mapping quality. :param verbose: Display progress bar. :returns: Forward and reverse fragment coverage vectors. :rtype: dict """ frags_fwd = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) frags_rev = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) aln_ref_cov = (defaultdict(list)) bam_reader = bam_common.pysam_open(bam, in_format='BAM') ue = True if region is not None: ue = False bam_iter = bam_reader.fetch(region=region, until_eof=ue) try: total_reads = bam_reader.mapped + bam_reader.unmapped except: total_reads = None if verbose and region is None: sys.stdout.write( "Gathering fragment statistics from file: {}\n".format(bam)) bam_iter = tqdm.tqdm(bam_iter, total=total_reads) for r in bam_iter: # Skip unmapped reads: if r.is_unmapped: continue # Skip if mapping quality is too low: if r.mapq < min_aqual: continue pos = r.reference_start ref = r.reference_name if r.is_reverse: frags_rev[r.reference_name][pos] += 1 else: frags_fwd[r.reference_name][pos] += 1 if ref_cov: aln_ref_cov[ref].append(r.reference_length / float(chrom_lengths[ref])) frags_fwd = _frag_dict_to_array(frags_fwd, chrom_lengths) frags_rev = _frag_dict_to_array(frags_rev, chrom_lengths) res = {'frags_fwd': frags_fwd, 'frags_rev': frags_rev, 'ref_cov': aln_ref_cov} return res
def _update_read_stats(r, res, min_aqual): """ Update read statistics. """ if r.is_unmapped: res['unmapped'] += 1 res['unaligned_lengths'].append(r.query_length) if r.query_qualities is not None: res['unaligned_quals'].append( seq_util.mean_qscore(r.query_qualities, qround=False)) elif r.mapping_quality >= min_aqual: res['mapped'] += 1 if r.query_qualities is not None: res['aligned_quals'].append( seq_util.mean_qscore(r.query_qualities, qround=False)) res['alignment_lengths'].append(r.query_alignment_length) res['aligned_lengths'].append(r.infer_query_length()) res['mapping_quals'].append(r.mapping_quality) else: res['mapped'] += 1 if r.query_qualities is not None: res['mqfail_aligned_quals'].append( seq_util.mean_qscore(r.query_qualities, qround=False)) res['mqfail_alignment_lengths'].append(r.query_alignment_length) res['mqfail_aligned_lengths'].append(r.infer_query_length()) res['mapping_quals'].append(r.mapping_quality)
[docs]def read_stats(bam, min_aqual=0, region=None, with_clipps=False, verbose=True): """ Parse reads in BAM file and record various statistics. :param bam: BAM file. :param min_aqual: Minimum mapping quality, skip read if mapping quality is lower. :param region: smatools region. :param with_clipps: Take into account clipps when calculating accuracy. :param verbose: Show progress bar. :returns: A dictionary with various global and per-read statistics. :rtype: dict """ res = {'unmapped': 0, 'mapped': 0, 'unaligned_quals': [], 'unaligned_lengths': [], 'aligned_quals': [], 'alignment_lengths': [], 'aligned_lengths': [], 'mqfail_aligned_quals': [], 'mqfail_alignment_lengths': [], 'mapping_quals': [], } base_stats = {'aln_length': 0, 'match': 0, 'mismatch': 0, 'deletion': 0, 'insertion': 0, 'clipps': 0} read_stats = OrderedDict([ ("name", []), ("ref", []), ("coverage", []), ("direction", []), ("aln_length", []), ("insertion", []), ("deletion", []), ("mismatch", []), ("match", []), ("identity", []), ("accuracy", []), ("clipps", []) ]) bam_reader = bam_common.pysam_open(bam, in_format='BAM') ue = True if region is not None: ue = False bam_iter = bam_reader.fetch(region=region, until_eof=ue) try: total_reads = bam_reader.mapped + bam_reader.unmapped except: total_reads = None if verbose and region is None: sys.stdout.write( "Gathering read statistics from file: {}\n".format(bam)) bam_iter = tqdm.tqdm(bam_iter, total=total_reads) for r in bam_iter: # Update basic read statistics: _update_read_stats(r, res, min_aqual) # Get detailed statistics from aligned read and # updated global stats: bs = stats_from_aligned_read(r, with_clipps) # bs is None for unaligned reads. if bs is not None: for k in six.iterkeys(base_stats): base_stats[k] += bs[k] for stat, value in six.iteritems(bs): read_stats[stat].append(value) # Calculate global identity and accuracy: base_stats['identity'] = float( base_stats['match']) / (base_stats['match'] + base_stats['mismatch']) clipps = 0 if with_clipps: clipps = base_stats['clipps'] base_stats['accuracy'] = 1.0 - (float(base_stats['insertion'] + base_stats['deletion'] + base_stats['mismatch'] + clipps) / base_stats['aln_length']) res['base_stats'] = base_stats res['read_stats'] = read_stats bam_reader.close() return res
[docs]def pileup_stats(bam, region=None, verbose=True, with_quals=True): """ Parse pileup columns and extract quality values. :param bam: Input BAM file. :param region: samtools region. :param verbose: Show progress bar. :param with_quals: Return quality values per position. :returns: Dictionaries per reference with per-base coverage and quality values. :rtype: dict """ st = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) cst = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) samfile = bam_common.pysam_open(bam, in_format='BAM') pileup_iter = samfile.pileup(region=region, min_base_quality=0) start, end = None, None if region is not None: tmp = region.split(":") _, start, end = tmp[0], int(tmp[1]) - 1, int(tmp[2]) if verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Gathering pileup statistics from file: {}\n".format(bam)) total_bases = sum(samfile.lengths) if region is not None: tmp = region.split(":") total_bases = int(tmp[2]) - int(tmp[1]) pileup_iter = tqdm.tqdm(pileup_iter, total=total_bases) for pileupcolumn in pileup_iter: if region is not None and (pileupcolumn.reference_pos < start or pileupcolumn.reference_pos >= end): continue # print pileupcolumn.reference_name, pileupcolumn.reference_pos, # pileupcolumn.nsegments cst[pileupcolumn.reference_name][ pileupcolumn.reference_pos] = pileupcolumn.nsegments for pileupread in pileupcolumn.pileups: if not pileupread.is_del and not pileupread.is_refskip: # print pileupcolumn.reference_name, pileupcolumn.reference_pos, # pileupread.alignment.query_qualities[pileupread.query_position] if (pileupread.alignment.query_qualities is not None) and with_quals: st[pileupcolumn.reference_name][pileupcolumn.reference_pos].append( pileupread.alignment.query_qualities[pileupread.query_position]) samfile.close() return {'qualities': dict(st), 'coverage': dict(cst)}
def _register_event(e, query, ref, qpos, rpos, etype, context_sizes, fixed_context=None): """Register event withing a context.""" start = rpos - context_sizes[0] end = rpos + context_sizes[1] + 1 context = str(ref[start:end]) # If context goes outside the reference boundaries, # do not register it: if start < 0 or end > len(ref): return if etype == 'match': base_to = query[qpos] elif etype == 'deletion': base_to = '-' context = fixed_context elif etype == 'insertion': base_to = '*' else: raise Exception('Unsupported event type!') e[context][base_to] += 1 def _register_insert(insert, rpos, insertion_lengths, insertion_composition): """Register insertion length and base composition.""" insertion_lengths[len(insert)] += 1 for base, count in six.iteritems(seq_util.base_composition(insert)): insertion_composition[base] += count def _register_deletion(deletion, match_pos, context_sizes, ref, events, deletion_lengths, r, t): """Register deletion and deletion lengths.""" if deletion[0] > 0: # We have an active deletion if length is larger than zero. right_contex_end = match_pos + context_sizes[1] + 1 if right_contex_end <= len(ref): # Deletions are registered with fixed context as we keep trakc of the left context # in the deletion tuple: _register_event(events, query=r.query_sequence, ref=ref.seq, qpos=t[ 0], rpos=t[0], etype='deletion', context_sizes=context_sizes, fixed_context=deletion[1] + str(ref.seq[match_pos:right_contex_end])) deletion_lengths[deletion[0]] += 1 # Reset deletion size to zero and context to None: we left deletion # event. deletion[0] = 0 deletion[1] = None def _update_events(r, ref, events, indel_dists, context_sizes, base_stats): """Update event details.""" match_pos = 0 insert = '' deletion = [0, None] aligned_pairs = r.get_aligned_pairs() # Remove soft clips: if r.cigartuples[0][0] == 4: aligned_pairs = aligned_pairs[r.cigartuples[0][1]:] if r.cigartuples[-1][0] == 4: aligned_pairs = aligned_pairs[:-r.cigartuples[-1][1]] for t in aligned_pairs: if t[0] is None: # deletion # Increse deleted base count: base_stats['deletion'] += 1 if deletion[0] == 0: # We are at the left edge of the deletion, register context: deletion[1] = str(ref.seq[t[1] - context_sizes[0]:t[1]]) deletion[0] += 1 # Set match position to the last seen reference base: match_pos = t[1] # Register insert if we are switching from deleltion to insertion: if insert != '': _register_event(events, query=r.query_sequence, ref=ref.seq, qpos=t[ 0], rpos=match_pos, etype='insertion', context_sizes=context_sizes) _register_insert( insert, match_pos, indel_dists['insertion_lengths'], indel_dists['insertion_composition']) insert = '' elif t[1] is None: # insertion # Increase inserted base count: base_stats['insertion'] += 1 # Append base to insert: insert += r.query_sequence[t[0]] # If switching from deleltion to insertion: _register_deletion( deletion, match_pos, context_sizes, ref, events, indel_dists['deletion_lengths'], r, t) else: # match or mismatch # Increase mismatch and mathc base counts: if r.query_sequence[t[0]] == ref.seq[t[1]]: base_stats['match'] += 1 else: base_stats['mismatch'] += 1 _register_event(events, query=r.query_sequence, ref=ref.seq, qpos=t[ 0], rpos=t[1], etype='match', context_sizes=context_sizes) match_pos = t[1] # We are switching from and insertion: if insert != '': _register_event(events, query=r.query_sequence, ref=ref.seq, qpos=t[ 0], rpos=match_pos, etype='insertion', context_sizes=context_sizes) _register_insert( insert, match_pos, indel_dists['insertion_lengths'], indel_dists['insertion_composition']) insert = '' # We are switching from a deletion: _register_deletion( deletion, match_pos, context_sizes, ref, events, indel_dists['deletion_lengths'], r, t)
[docs]def error_and_read_stats(bam, refs, context_sizes=(1, 1), region=None, min_aqual=0, verbose=True): """Gather read statistics and context-dependend error statistics from BAM file. WARNING: context overstepping reference start/end boundaries are not registered. Definition of context: for substitutions the event is happening from the "central base", in the case of indels the events are located between the central base and the base before. :param bam: Input BAM file. :param refs: Dictionary of references. :param context_sizes: The size of the left and right contexts. :param region: samtools regions. :param min_qual: Minimum mappign quality. :param verbose: Show progress bar. :returns: Dictionary with read and error statistics. :rtype: dict """ events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) read_stats = defaultdict(list) read_stats = {'unmapped': 0, 'mapped': 0, 'unaligned_quals': [], 'unaligned_lengths': [], 'aligned_quals': [], 'alignment_lengths': [], 'aligned_lengths': [], 'mqfail_aligned_quals': [], 'mqfail_alignment_lengths': [], 'mapping_quals': [], } indel_dists = {'insertion_lengths': defaultdict(int), 'deletion_lengths': defaultdict( int), 'insertion_composition': defaultdict(int)} bam_reader = bam_common.pysam_open(bam, in_format='BAM') base_stats = {'match': 0, 'mismatch': 0, 'deletion': 0, 'insertion': 0} read_iter = bam_reader.fetch(region=region, until_eof=True) if verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Gathering read and error statistics from file: {}\n".format(bam)) try: total_reads = bam_reader.mapped + bam_reader.unmapped except: total_reads = None read_iter = tqdm.tqdm(read_iter, total=total_reads) for r in read_iter: _update_read_stats(r, read_stats, min_aqual) if r.is_unmapped: continue if r.mapping_quality < min_aqual: continue ref = refs[r.reference_name] _update_events(r, ref, events, indel_dists, context_sizes, base_stats) base_stats['aln_length'] = base_stats['match'] + base_stats['mismatch'] + \ base_stats['insertion'] + base_stats['deletion'] base_stats['identity'] = float( base_stats['match']) / (base_stats['match'] + base_stats['mismatch']) base_stats['accuracy'] = 1.0 - \ float(base_stats['mismatch'] + base_stats['insertion'] + base_stats['deletion']) / \ base_stats['aln_length'] res = {'events': dict(events), 'read_stats': dict( read_stats), 'indel_dists': dict(indel_dists), 'base_stats': base_stats} return res
[docs]def stats_from_aligned_read(read, with_clipps=False): """Create summary information for an aligned read (modified from :param read: :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment` object :param with_clipps: """ tags = dict(read.tags) try: tags.get('NM') except: raise IOError( "Read is missing required 'NM' tag. Try running 'samtools fillmd -S - ref.fa'.") name = read.qname if read.flag == 4: return None match = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y[1] if y[0] == 0 else x, read.cigar, 0) ins = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y[1] if y[0] == 1 else x, read.cigar, 0) delt = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y[1] if y[0] == 2 else x, read.cigar, 0) # NM is edit distance: NM = INS + DEL + SUB sub = tags['NM'] - ins - delt length = match + ins + delt # Count clips: clipps = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y[1] if (y[0] == 4 or y[0] == 5) else x, read.cigar, 0) if with_clipps: length += clipps iden = float(match - sub) / match if with_clipps: acc = 1.0 - (float(tags['NM'] + clipps) / length) else: acc = 1.0 - (float(tags['NM']) / length) coverage = float(read.query_alignment_length) / read.infer_query_length() direction = '-' if read.is_reverse else '+' results = OrderedDict([ ("name", name), ("ref", read.reference_name), ("coverage", coverage), ("direction", direction), ("aln_length", length), ("insertion", ins), ("deletion", delt), ("mismatch", sub), ("match", match - sub), ("identity", iden), ("accuracy", acc), ("clipps", clipps), ]) return results