Source code for wub.simulate.genome

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import six
import sys
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple

from wub.util import seq as seq_util
from wub.simulate import seq as sim_seq
from wub.simulate import dist

Fragment = namedtuple('Fragment', 'chrom uid start end seq')

[docs]def simulate_genome(number_chromosomes, mean_length, gamma_shape, low_truncation, high_truncation, base_frequencies): """Generator function for simulating chromosomes in a genome. Chromosome lengths are sampled from a truncated gamma distribution. :param number_chromosomes: Number of simulated chromosomes. :param mean_length: Mean length of simulated chromosomes. :param gamma_shape: Shape parameter of the chromosome length distribution. :param low_truncation: Minimum chromosome length. :param high_truncation: Maximum chromosome length. :param base_frequencies: Array of base frequencies in the ACGT order. :returns: A generator of SeqRecord objects. :rtype: generator """ chrom_info = OrderedDict( ('chr' + str(i), int(dist.sample_truncated_gamma(mean_length, gamma_shape, low_truncation, high_truncation))) for i in range(number_chromosomes)) sim_iter = (seq_util.new_dna_record(sim_seq.simulate_sequence(length, base_frequencies), name) for name, length in six.iteritems(chrom_info)) return sim_iter
[docs]def sample_chromosome(chromosomes): """Sample a random chromosome. :param chromosomes: A collection of SeqRecord object. :returns: A randomly sampled element from the input collection. :rtype: SeqRecord """ indexes = range(len(chromosomes)) pick = np.random.choice(indexes) return chromosomes[pick]
[docs]def simulate_fragment(chromosome, mean_length, gamma_shape, low_truncation, high_truncation, fragment_number): """Simulate a fragment from a chromosome. :param chromosome: Chromosome to simulate fragment from, SeqRecord object. :param mean_length: Mean length of simulated fragment. :param gamma_shape: Shape parameter of length distribution. :param low_truncation: Minimum read length. :param high_truncation: Maximum read length. :param fragment_number: The unique identifier of fragment in simulation (number of fragment). :returns: A named tuple with chromosome id, fragment number, start, end and sequence. :rtype: namedtuple """ fragment_length = int(dist.sample_truncated_gamma( mean_length, gamma_shape, low_truncation, high_truncation)) upper_boundary = len(chromosome) - fragment_length # Special case when upper boundary is less than the read length. Maybe # should handle this by rejection? if upper_boundary < fragment_length: start = 0 end = len(chromosome) else: start = np.random.randint(0, upper_boundary) end = start + fragment_length fragment_sequence = chromosome.seq[start:end] return Fragment(, fragment_number, start, end, fragment_sequence)
[docs]def simulate_fragments(chromosomes, mean_length, gamma_shape, low_truncation, high_truncation, number_fragments): """Simulate a fragments from a set of chromosomes. Chromosomes are picked randomly for each fragment. :param chromosomes: Chromosomes to simulate fragment from, a list of SeqRecord objects. :param mean_length: Mean length of simulated fragments. :param gamma_shape: Shape parameter of length distribution. :param low_truncation: Minimum read length. :param high_truncation: Maximum read length. :param number_fragments: Number of fragments to simulate. :returns: An iterator named tuples with chromosome id, fragment number, start, end and sequence. :rtype: generator """ fragment_uid = 0 while True: if fragment_uid >= number_fragments: break chromosome = sample_chromosome(chromosomes) fragment = simulate_fragment( chromosome, mean_length, gamma_shape, low_truncation, high_truncation, fragment_uid) if (fragment.end - fragment.start) > 0: fragment_uid += 1 yield fragment else: sys.stderr.write( "Skipped zero length fragment! Consider increase minimum read length!\n")