Source code for wub.simulate.seq

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import functools
from collections import namedtuple

from wub.util import seq as seq_util

uniform_probs = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]

strand_directions = ['+', '-']

MutatedSeq = namedtuple(
    'MutatedSeq', 'seq real_qual real_subst real_del real_ins cigar')

cigar_operations = {'match': 'M', 'substitution': 'M', 'insertion': 'I', 'deletion': 'D'}

[docs]def sample_direction(forward_prob): return np.random.choice(strand_directions, p=[forward_prob, 1 - forward_prob])
[docs]def random_base(probs=uniform_probs): """Generate a random DNA base. :param probs: Probabilities of sampling a base, in the ACGT order. :returns: A sampled base. :rtype: str """ return np.random.choice(seq_util.bases, p=probs)
[docs]def random_base_except(excluded, probs=uniform_probs): """Generate a random base according to the specified probabilities with the exclusion of the specified base. :param excluded: Exclude this base from sampling. :param probs: Base sampling probabilities in the ACGT order. :returns: A sampled base. :rtype: str """ if len(probs) != len(seq_util.bases): raise ValueError('Probability vector has wrong length!') # Filter out excluded base: bp_dict = dict((x, y) for x, y in zip(seq_util.bases, probs) if x != excluded) filtered_bases = list(bp_dict.keys()) norm_probs = np.array(list(bp_dict.values()), dtype=float) # Re-normalise probabilities: norm_probs = norm_probs / np.sum(norm_probs) return np.random.choice(filtered_bases, p=norm_probs)
[docs]def simulate_sequence(length, probs=uniform_probs): """Simulate sequence of specified length and base composition. :param length: Length of simulated sequence. :param probs: Base composition vector in the ACGT order. :returns: Simulated sequence. :rtype: str """ return ''.join(np.random.choice(seq_util.bases, size=length, p=probs))
[docs]def sample_error_type(error_weights): """Sample error type from error weights dictionary. :param error_weights: A dcitionary with (type, probability) pairs. :returns: Error type :rtype: str """ return np.random.choice(list(error_weights.keys()), p=list(error_weights.values()))
[docs]def cigar_list_to_string(cigar_list): """Sample error type from error weights dictionary. :param error_weights: A dcitionary with (type, probability) pairs. :returns: Error type :rtype: str """ tmp = map(lambda x: str(x[0]) + str(x[1]), cigar_list) return ''.join(tmp)
[docs]def compress_raw_cigar_list(raw_cigar): """Sample error type from error weights dictionary. :param error_weights: A dcitionary with (type, probability) pairs. :returns: Error type :rtype: str """ raw_cigar[0] = [raw_cigar[0]] def cigar_op_compose(a, b): x = a.pop() if x[1] == b[1]: a.append((x[0] + b[0], x[1])) else: a.extend([x, b]) return a cigar = functools.reduce(cigar_op_compose, raw_cigar) return cigar
[docs]def simulate_sequencing_errors(sequence, error_rate, error_weights): """Simulate substitutions, deletions and insertions. :param sequence: Input sequence. :param error_rate: Total error rate. :param error_weights: A dictionary with error types as keys and probabilities as values. The possible error types are: substitution, deletion, insertion. :returns: A named tuple with elements: mutated sequence, realised quality, number of realised substitutions, number of realised deletions, number of realised insertions, cigar string. :rtype: namedtuple """ if len(sequence) == 0: raise Exception('Cannot simulate sequencing errors on empty sequence!') new_bases = [] realised_substitutions = 0 realised_deletions = 0 realised_insertions = 0 raw_cigar_list = [] for position, base in enumerate(sequence): if np.random.uniform() < error_rate: error_type = sample_error_type(error_weights) if error_type == 'substitution': new_base = random_base_except(base) realised_substitutions += 1 raw_cigar_list.append((1, cigar_operations[error_type])) elif error_type == 'deletion': new_base = '' realised_deletions += 1 raw_cigar_list.append((1, cigar_operations[error_type])) elif error_type == 'insertion': new_base = base + random_base() realised_insertions += 1 raw_cigar_list.append((1, cigar_operations['match'])) raw_cigar_list.append((1, cigar_operations[error_type])) else: raise Exception("Unhandled error type: {}".format(error_type)) else: raw_cigar_list.append((1, cigar_operations['match'])) new_base = base new_bases.append(new_base) new_sequence = ''.join(new_bases) cigar = cigar_list_to_string(compress_raw_cigar_list(raw_cigar_list)) realised_events = realised_substitutions + \ realised_deletions + realised_insertions realised_quality = seq_util.prob_to_phred( round(float(realised_events) / float(len(sequence)), 3)) mutated_record = MutatedSeq( new_sequence, realised_quality, realised_substitutions, realised_deletions, realised_insertions, cigar) return mutated_record
[docs]def add_errors(seq, nr_errors, error_type): """Introduce a specified number of errors in the target sequence at random positions. :param seq: Input DNA sequence. :param nr_errors: Number of mismatches to introduce. :returns: Mutated sequence. :rtype: str """ seq = list(seq) positions = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(seq)), size=nr_errors, replace=False) if error_type == 'substitution': for pos in positions: seq[pos] = random_base_except(seq[pos]) elif error_type == 'deletion': for pos in positions: seq[pos] = '' elif error_type == 'insertion': for pos in positions: seq[pos] = seq[pos] + random_base() else: raise Exception('Invalid error type') return ''.join(seq)